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Photographic images and related equipment, cabinet and tintype photos

Description: Old camera by Eastman Kodak Co. No. 2A Folding Hawk-Eye model B.

Catalogue ID: photo001

Description: A zoom lens, Auto-Makinon, made in Japan, zoom 1:3.5, f=80-200 mm, 25 cm (10") length.

Catalogue ID: photo002

   photo003a.jpg (30916 bytes)

Description: Photographer's items, including a RICOH Singlex TLS camera (#412706), lens made in Japan, Auto Rikenon 1:2, f=50 mm (#107658) filter and many extras including the case.

Catalogue ID: photo003

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album-19C-cdv-6.jpg (19630 bytes)

Description: A 19C velvet photo album, may contain up to 60 photos various sizes on 24 hard pages. 27X21 cm ; 10.6"x 8.3"

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Catalogue ID: photo004                           album-19C-cdv-4.jpg (29488 bytes)        album-19C-cdv-7.jpg (9730 bytes) 


Carte De Visite -CDV (1870s and later)



Tintypes - Ferrotype (1860-1880 and later)

Most of the tintypes are from the collection of the late Professor Dick Ware.

Richard L. Ware (77) of Muncie Indiana, USA,  was associate professor of photo-journalism at Ball State Univeristy.

His private collection was auctioned and I bought a small part of them.

Most of them are about 2" X 3", some colored (!)


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