Description: Theodosius I - "the Great"- AE4, 379-395 CE.,
VM 40, legend DN, RIC 26b, THEODO-SIVS PF AVG (our Lord Theodosius, the
dutiful and wise Emperor), reverse SALVS REI-PVBLICAE - SM K A - +P in
left field, Victory walking left carrying trophy and dragging captive,
the mint (SMK) is Cyzicus mint 1st workshop.
For more info. see: http://www.salve.edu/~romanemp/theo1.htm
Diameter: 1.3 cm (0.51")
Catalogue ID: coin056

Description: A special coin, FEL TEMP REPARATIO (Happy days are here
again), with soldier spearing fallen horseman reverse. Likely,
Constantine dynasty.
Catalogue ID: coin060

Description: Lot of 9 coins, click here to see their other side
Catalogue ID: coin065

Description: Lot of 6 coins, click here to see their other side
Catalogue ID: coin066

Description: Unidentified coin, click here to see the other side
Catalogue ID: coin067

Exercitus type
Catalogue ID: coin068

Description: CONSTANTIUS II, Gloria Exercitus type
Catalogue ID: coin069

Description: Antiochos (which one?, maybe IV or V)
Seleucid King of Syria, 138-129 BCE., The obverse is the king radiate,
the reverse is probably Zeus.
Catalogue ID: coin070

Description: Gratian (?)
Catalogue ID: coin071

Description: Seleucid
Kingdom, Antiochos III, the Great, 223-187 BCE., Sear 6946, Obv:
diademed head of Apollo or king; Rev: BASILEWS (off flan left) ANTIOCOU, in field to left monogram, seated on an
omphalos, resting on bow, looking down an arrow
Catalogue ID: coin072

Description: Lot of 5 coins, click here to see their other side
Catalogue ID: coin073

Description: Lot of 5 coins, click here to see their other side
Catalogue ID: coin074

Description: Lot of 5 coins, click here to see their other side
Catalogue ID: coin075

Description: Lot of 5 coins, click here to see their other side
Catalogue ID: coin076

Description: Lot of 5 coins, click here to see their other side
Catalogue ID: coin076b

Description: Hasmonean era. about
63-40 BCE
Catalogue ID: coin077

Description: Hasmonean era. about
63-40 BCE
Catalogue ID: coin079

Description: Antiochos
(which one?, maybe IV or V) Seleucid King of Syria, 138-129 BCE., The
obverse is the king radiate, the reverse is probably Zeus.
Catalogue ID: coin080

Description: Hasmonean era. about
63-40 BCE
Catalogue ID: coin081

Description: Hasmonean era. about
63-40 BCE
Catalogue ID: coin082

Description: Antiochos
(which one?, maybe IV or V) Seleucid King of Syria, 138-129 BCE., The
obverse is the king radiate, the reverse is probably Zeus.
Catalogue ID: coin083

Description: Antiochos
(which one?, maybe IV or V) Seleucid King of Syria, 138-129 BCE., The
obverse is the king radiate, the reverse is probably Zeus.
Catalogue ID: coin084
and Medals

Description: Silver medal, Camp David meeting
Sep. 1978, issued by the government of Israel no. 2089. 6 cm
(2.3"), 100 gram (3.5 oz.)
Catalogue ID: coin001

Description: Bronze
medal, 'Bar-Mitzvah' of the State of Israel- 1961
This is a very rare
bronze medal in coin version,
Dimension: 3.5 cm
(1.3"), 25 gram (0.9 oz.).
Catalogue ID: coin003

Description: Bronze medal,
Clubmeister 1926 ; 6 x 4 cm (2.3" x 1.6"), 56 gram (2 oz.)
Weitsprung Slabhochsprung
Catalogue ID: medal-1926

Description: Bronze medal, 50th
Anniversary World WIZO 1970 6
cm (2.3"), 100 gram (3.5 oz.)
Catalogue ID: coin004

Description: Queen Victoria, 1866, states of
Jersey, one twenty-sixth of a shilling
Catalogue ID: coin006

Description: One Florin, 1921, King George V
Catalogue ID: coin007

Description: One Dime, Left-1914, Right-1923
Catalogue ID: coin008

Description: Queen Elizabeth II, Five
Shillings, 1953
Catalogue ID: coin009

Description: Britain's First Decimal
Coins, Royal Mint, 15th February, 1971.
Catalogue ID: coin010

Description: British West Africa, 1936, King
Edward VIII, One Penny
Catalogue ID: coin011

Description: Bronze medal, Chaim
Weizmann, First President of Israel
1874-1974, 5.9 cm (2.3"), 96 gram (3.4 oz.)
Catalogue ID: coin013

Description: Bronze medal, 25th
Anniversary ZIM Israel's
Navigation Co. 1945-1970, 6 cm (2.3"), 100 gram (3.5 oz.)
Catalogue ID: coin014

Description: A very special bronze
medal, with a picture (enamel) by the famous artist Reuven Rubin with
his signature on both sides. The picture shows Jonah inside the wale. Side-1 - 'Vatavo Elecha Tefilati'='My
Prayers will come to you' -Jonah, Side-2
- Saul and David. On rim: Bronze, State of Israel and number 0422.
Diameter: 7 cm (2.7")
Catalogue ID: coin016

Description: A Bronze medal, issued
by the State of Israel. "peace be within thy walls". "for the builders
every one had his sword girded by his side". 6 cm (2.3"), 83 gram (2.9
Catalogue ID: isra004

Description: A Bronze medal, issued by the State
of Israel. Bnai Brith bronze
medal 1967 commemorating "Liberated Jerusalem". Side 2 - the Wailing
(Western) Wall.
in a transparent cube.
Catalogue ID: juda029

Description: A Bronze medal, issued
by the State of Israel. "American Jewish Congress 1962. 6 cm (2.3"),
116 gram (4.1 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-ajc-1962

Description: A Bronze medal, issued by
the State of Israel. No. 14553. "Bar Kochba coin of Jerusalem 133 C.E.
4.5 cm (1.8"), 39 gram (1.4 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-bar-kochba

Description: A Bronze medal, issued
by the State of Israel. "expedition to the Judaean desert caves - 1960.
6 cm (2.3"), 116 gram (4.1 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-expedition-1960

Description: A Bronze medal, issued
by the State of Israel. Judaea Captive 70 C.E. ; "Israel liberated
1948". 6 cm (2.3"), 115 gram (4.1 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-israel-1948

Description: A Bronze medal, issued
by the State of Israel. Israel's memorial day. 5.9 cm (2.3"), 99 gram
(3.5 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-memorial

Description: A Bronze medal, issued
by the State of Israel. Sinai campaign - 10th anniversary. 5.9 cm
(2.3"), 96 gram (3.4 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-sinai10-1966
Description: A Bronze medal, issued
by the State of Israel. Petah-Tikva Centenary. 5.9 cm (2.3"), 98 gram
(3.5 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-petah-tikva-100

Description: A Bronze medal, issued
by the State of Israel. International congress of local authorities,
November 1960. 5.9 cm (2.3"), 118 gram (4.2 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-local-1960

Description: A rare white metal coin
medal, issued by the State of Israel. International congress of local
authorities, November 1960. 3.5 cm (1.4"), 30 gram (1.1 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-coin-local-1960
Description: A Bronze medal, issued
by the State of Israel. Bank Leumi 75 years - 1902-1977. 5.9 cm (2.3"),
99 gram (3.5 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-leumi75y

Description: A Bronze medal, issued
by the State of Israel. Israel's 10th anniversary - 1958. 5.9 cm
(2.3"), 104 gram (3.7 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-israel10-1958

Description: A rare Bronze Coin
medal, issued by the State of Israel. "Premiere Concours International
de Harpe, Jerusalem 1959. 3.5 cm (1.4"), 21 gram (0.7 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-coin-harp-1959
Description: A Bronze medal, issued
by the State of Israel. "Deuxieme Concours International de Harpe,
Jerusalem 1962. 5.9 cm (2.3"), 114 gram (4 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-harp-1962

Description: A Bronze medal, issued
by the State of Israel. "Quatrieme Concours International de Harpe,
Jerusalem 1970. 5.9 cm (2.3"), 94 gram (3.3 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-harp-1970

Description: A Bronze medal, issued
by the State of Israel. El-Al - "Bring Back My Sons From Far And
Daughters From The End Of The Earth" . 5.9 cm (2.3"), 98 gram (3.5 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-elal-shan

Description: A Bronze medal, issued
by the State of Israel. Municipality of Bnei Beraq. 5.9 cm (2.3"), 119
gram (4.2 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-bnei-braq

Description: A medal olive wood box,
issued by the State of
Israel. 9.8 cm (3.85") x 9.8 cm (3.85") X 3 cm (1.2")
Catalogue ID: medal-olivewood

Description: A silver medal, issued
by the State of Israel. Israel Egypt peace treaty 1979, official No. 2589
"I will give peace in the land" - Leviticus 26,6
5.9 cm (2.3"), 100 gram (3.6 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-peace1979

Description: A sterling silver (935) medal,
issued by the State of Israel. Israel. Hadassah University Hospital,
Mount Scopus - 1975.
4.5 cm (1.8"), 46 gram
(1.6 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-hadassah75

Description: A bronze medal, issued by
the State of Israel. Prime
Minister Yitzhak Rabin.1922-1995.
Including a stand and red velvet case (as seen)
6.9 cm (2.7"), 140 gram
(4.9 oz.)
Catalogue ID: medal-hadassah75

Description: Official Israeli coin made as a replica of a
coin issued by Mattathias Antigonus (37 - 40 B.C.E.) with
the seven-branched candelabrum; the emblem of the State of Israel;
"Israel" in Hebrew, English and Arabic. Issued December 2, 1984. Ceased to be
legal tender on September 4, 1986. 29 mm ; 10.8 gram
Catalogue ID: coin-100-hanukka

Description: 250 Pruta
32.2 mm.
14.1 gr.
Three palm branches; "Israel" in Hebrew and
Origin of motif:
Coin minted during the war of the Jews
against Rome (66 - 70 C.E.).
The denomination "250 Pruta" and the date in
Hebrew; two stylized olive branches around the rim.
Copper 75%, nickel 25%.
Date of issue:
October 11, 1950.
Ceased to be legal tender:
February 22, 1980.
Catalogue ID: coin-250p-1950

Description: 100 Pruta
28.5 mm.
11.3 gr.
Palm tree; "Israel" in Hebrew and Arabic.
Origin of motif:
Bar-Kochba coin(132 - 135 C.E.).
The denomination "100 Pruta" and the date in
Hebrew; two stylized olive branches around the rim.
Copper 75%, nickel 25%.
Date of issue:
May 25, 1949.
Ceased to be legal tender:
February 22, 1980.
Catalogue ID: coin-100p-1949

Description: A set of 6 Israeli coins - 1965
Catalogue ID: coins6-isr65


Description: A set of 6 Israeli coins - 1973
Catalogue ID: coins6-isr73


Description: A set of 6 Israeli coins - 1978
Catalogue ID: coins6-isr78


Description: A set of 8 Israeli
coins - 1980s
Catalogue ID: coins-israel80s 

Press to enlarge
Description: 2 American old stamps
(3 c) US Postage C. 1864 , civil war, framed
Dimensions: 26 cm (10") X 21cm
Catalogue ID: pict089

Press to enlarge
Description: 6 Stamps Queen
Victoria, 1858-70, one penny, 1d red, framed
Dimensions: 17 cm (7") X 13 cm (5")
Catalogue ID: pict090
We have a large
collection of various Israeli and other stamps.
