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Musical instruments and antique records



Description: A portable Gramophone, Birch model 33, by Boetch Bros. New York, 1940/50


Catalogue ID: musi002

Description: A Gramophone, by Aeolian Vocalion Graduola (S.N. 430-1, Style-400), made about 1916


Catalogue ID: musi003


Description: Antique and rare piano tuning tool

Catalogue ID: musi-p1


Description: Antique and rare piano tuning tool

Catalogue ID: musi-p2

Description: Music tuning fork.

The tuning fork was invented in 1711 by British musician John Shore

Catalogue ID: musi-p3


Description: A rare book 1883 -Works of Richard Wagner, von Richard Pohl (53 u 54), 124-198
Size: 16 x 23.5 cm ; Ref:

book-wagner-1883 book-wagner-1883 book-wagner-1883 book-wagner-1883

Catalogue ID: book-wagner-1883


Description: A rare book - Mozart - Figaro, Klavier Auszug, Leipzig, C.F. Peters (Posen), no. 70
Size: 20 x 28 cm ; Weight:  970 gram (34.2 oz) ; 225 p, some loose.

mozart-figaro mozart-figaro

Catalogue ID: mozart-figaro


Description: Sang und Klang im XIX und XX Jahrhundert, band XI, Breitkopf&Hartel, Leipzig
Size: 25 x 33 cm ; Weight: 1787 gram (63 oz),  384p

sangklang sangklang sangklang

Catalogue ID: sangklang


Antique and Old Records


Num Name Record #
I His Master's Voice, F. Marca Industrial Reg. No. 4180; 1 de Febrero 1904
1A Rigoletto Verdi, Marion Talley 6580
1B Barber of Seville
2A Hungarian Rhapsody, Philadelphia Symphony, Leopold Stokowski, Part 1 6652
2B Part 2
3A Marche Slave, Philadelphia Symphony, Leopold Stokowski, Part 1 6513
3B Part 2
4A Peer Gynt, Victor Symphony Orchestra 35793
4B Cont.
5A Valse Triste, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Frederick Stock 6579
5B 1. Serenada , 2. Flight of the Bumble Bee
6A In a Monastery 35821
6B In a Persian Market, Reginald Foort, New Gallery Cinema, London
7A Dance of the Hours, Victor Symphony Orchestra 35833
7B Rosario Bourdan
8A The Bells of St. Anne de Beaupre, Charles Raymond Cronham 35812
8B Organist Portland, Maine
9A Egmont Overture (Beethoven, op-84), Victor Symphony Orchestra 35790
9B Josef Pasternack
10A Coridan Overture (Beethoven op-62), Orchestra of Amsterdam 67273-D
10B Willem Mergelberg - Columbia
11A Symphony No. 5 (Beethoven op-67), Royal Albert Hall 9030
11B Sir London Ronald
12A 1812 Overture Tschaikowsky op 491 9026
12B Eugen Onegin - Waltz , Royal Opera Orchestra, Covent Garden
II Boston "Pops" Orchestra, Four Novelty waltzes, Johan Strauss, Arthur Fiedler
1A Loves of the Poet Waltz 4486
1B Lagoon Waltz
2A New Vienna Waltz - 1 4487
2B Cagliostro Waltz - 2
3A New Vienna Waltz - 2 4488
3B Cagliostro Waltz - 1
4A The Skaterswaltz - 1 4396
4B The Skaterswaltz - 2
III Viennese Waltzes Album No. 81
1A Accelerations Waltz 2635
1B Enjoy Your Life
2A Wiener Burger - Waltz, Hary Horlick - Damaged 2637
2B Schonbrunner - Waltz, Hary Horlick - Damaged
3A Rainbow - Waltz 2638
3B Sweetest of All
4A Je T'aime 2639
4B Children of Spring
5A Granny, Fox Trot 14289
5B While Miami Dreams
6A Persianna 14284
6B Tell Her at Twilight
7A To Whom it may Concern, Sam Lanin 32043
7B You're the One I Care for
8A April Shower from Al Jolson's "Bombo" 1002
8B Weep No More My Mammy
9A 1. Joy to the World ; 2. Silent night 11258
9B 1. While the Sheperds Watched Their Flocks

2. In Came Upon the Midnight Clear
IV Boston Pops ( original folder with other records)
1A Anvil Chorus (Verdi), Victor's Orchestra 17231
1B Forge in the Forest
2A Chin Chin, Six Brown Brothers 18149
2B Laverne - Waltz Caprice, H. Bemma Henton
3A Waiting - Medley Fox Trot, Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra 18615
3B Mammy O'Mine
4A Little White Lies, Johny Marvin 22502
4B Go Home and Tell Your Mother, Johny Marvin
5A Take me to the Land of Jazz, Billy Murray 2766
5B Breezo, Jack Kaufman & Arthur Fields
6A Chinese Lullaby, Columbia Orchestra 2777
6B Chacone
7A Blues (My Naughty Sweetie Gave Me), Ted Lewis Jazz Band 2798
7B India, Yorkes Novelty Five
8A My Baby's Arms, Follis 1919, Art Hickman's Orchestra 2811
8B On the Streets of Cairo
V Tschaikowsky, Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret (set of 3)
1 Waltzserenade, Chanson Triste 26486
2 Humoresque, Romance 26487
3 Andante Cantabile, Love Theme 26488
VI Gypsy V. Selinescu (set of 4)
1A Bright Shines the Moon 36240
1B Two Guitars
2A Tuica 36241
2B Sabra Calului
3A Oh Those Dark Eyes 36242
3B Black Eyes
4A A Hajnal Mar Nem Simogat 36243
4B Assony Lesz A Lanybol

1A Should I ? 5049
1B Darlin' It's You
2A John Peel, Adeste Fideles, 50013-D
2B 4000 voices at the Metropolitan Opera House, NY
3A Serenata Di Silvestri, Raoul Romito E-5238
3B Rimpianto



VIII Cantorial Chants, Cantor of Warshaw, Moshe Kusevitsky
1A Dos Oibershte Fun Shtoisel, Aaron Lebedeff, Sholom Secunda 8226-F
1B Roumania, Roumania
2A Skrip Kleimerl, Skrip 8227-F
2B A men Farzuch, un S'is Gut
3A Ai-Di-Dai-Da 8267-F
3B Mazel Tov Yiden
4A Chosen Lied, Symour Rechtzeit 8233-F
4B Azoy Vi Du Bist


IX Cantor Leibele Waldman
1A Moora Divishmayoh 7010
1B Omar Rabi Eloozor
2A Nishmas 7011
2B Ashrie


X Cantors  
1A Archives Series-Columbia, The Cantor - Al Jolson 3-BI2760
1B Hebrew Chant, Victor Young and Orchestra 3-BI2962
2A Kol Nidre, Goldin Hebrew Quartet 16793
2B Birchas Kohanim, Cantor Meisels
3A Moshe Kusevitsky - RCA Victor -side 3 25-5077
3B side - 4
4A side - 5 25-5078
4B side - 6


XI Land of Israel (set of 3+1 demo)
1A Kinneret, Yosefa Shocken 100
1B Chanita, Paolo Gorin
2A Song of the Negev, Zipora Cohen 101
2B Yerushalayim, Paamoni
3A Song of the Emek, Zipora Cohen 102
3B Hora Raphsody


XII Songs of Hope
1A Hechalil, Abraham Wilkowsky 108
1B Doodoo, Arbateynu
2A Shomer Ma Milaila 109
2B Boah Dodi, Elly Mitamare
3A Hagez, Shoshana Shoshan, Soprano 110
3B Hava Nagila, Davidoff, Reich, Stein


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